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The Steinke’s and their up and coming All * Star

Spring brings us its’ annual reminder that new life is on the way, and an exciting season of growth it is for the Steinke ʻohana as they are preparing for their new addition to make entry into the world.  I had the pleasure of doing an early morning session with this super cute family and their ‘first born’, Harley as they wanted to send out some photos announcing some big things up ahead for their 2016 year.  It was a chilly Saturday morning up Hualālai mountain where they bounced out of their truck with Harley, converses laced up, bright eyed, and ready to roll. Kuʻulei had contacted me via a mutual friend, and this was our first time meeting face to face.  Call it what you want, but ʻblind dates’ with your clients are always a little nerve racking–you just never know how it will go, and you sometimes spend what feels like forever just making them comfortable enough around you to smile and chuckle at your corny jokes.  Fortunately for me, firing off some shots of them was like a walk in the park as we chatted, as they were so easy going and laid back, and did I mention–extemely photogenic?…Winning!  Mahalo Steinke’s for such a fun sesh with you and cute little Harley.  Can’t wait to meet your little All Star on the way!

Molly’s Mokes

Satta-Ellis Blog-22

So, here’s a full circle for you:  When I was a senior in high school, I decided to take yearbook.  Having taken a yearbook class and a beginners black and white film class when I was in middle school- the extent of my understanding of photography was primitive. Somehow, four years later, I ended up as the school “photog.”  My teacher would hand me the school’s only camera– a Cannon film rebel, I would then set that sucker on the “green box” a.k.a. automatic, and go cray. I’d take that thing all over the island with me from Kohala to Ka’u and back again, I’d do senior portraits for friends, document weekend adventures, take it to our high school soccer games– you name it.  I basically had no idea what I was doing, but I was gung ho enough to do it, partly because I had a teacher who believed in me enough (or was desperate enough perhaps)  to say, “Go for it!”  That teacher was one of the catalysts in my life that instead of focusing on my lack of knowledge and experience, saw my zeal, and encouraged this interest in photography to evolve into something greater. I’m proud to say that this teacher (who hasn’t aged a day since I was in high school) is none other than, Ms. Molly Satta-Ellis. So when Molly (I’m still struggling to not call her “Ms. Satta” here) got in touch with me about doing photos of her and her boys, I was beyond stoked, what a good looking tribe they are, and it was a privilege it was to spend an afternoon with them at one of my favorite spots in the world. Molly, as trivial as my memory of yearbook class may seem for you, it sparked something in me and I’m grateful for having a teacher like you who would bust out from time to time in pidgin and say things to us like “shoots, can” as you’d rasta-rap, free style, from Three Plus singing “braddahz on da left, sistaz on da right…”  Yes you teachers are daily impacting your students (with your raps and all) in ways you’ll never remember but we will years down the road!   Mahalo for believing in us!

A Kai, Jaime, and Laʻe Kalikimaka

  Time For Christmas!

It was a Perrrfect Waimea morning: Chilly and windy- straight up jeans and boots weather.  After the hottest year Hawai’i has possibly ever recorded, I think we are all a bit amped on this winter season, and this family was especially so.  Kai and Jaime just recently got engaged and have a big year up ahead, along with this  future flower girl, lil La’e! With Christmas almost here, they got a little akamai and decided to get the engagement photos in as well as some Christmas portraits of the ‘ohana.  Couldn’t have worked out better having La’e (who is full of animation and crazy expressions) and her pony to add to the mix.  Congratulations on the engagement and what a beautiful family you guys are!










A Gift In The Making | Aven Jewel


Christmas is right around the corner, and with the excitement in the air this holiday season, it is double the excitement for the Takiue fam as they eagerly await the any-day-arrival of lil Miss Aven Jewel.  How could we not bring in the season of joy with this sweet little gift on the way.  We are all so ready to meet this little treasure–Aven come soon!! xx




Tying The Knot


   Mike & Kelsi

There are just some upcoming weddings that you are especially excited for, and this is one of those instances.  I’ve known this ‘Lady of the Sea’ for quite awhile now, and I must say, she is quite a catch.  I’ve watched her set her sail through the seasons of life, and she’s navigated through the stormy seas and breezed through the calm, mālie seas with steadfastness and strength. And as we’ve watched Mike enter on the scene (Captain Mike I might add) it is evident, that it couldn’t be more appropriate for this radiant, free spirit to continue to set sail in life with anyone other than Mike.  Many blessing to these two as they prepare to set their course to follow the son, who put the stars in the skies to guide them on this voyage of life.