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A Hui Hou Simpson’s

It’s been over a month since we sent off one of our favorite families from their home here in Kona to Alaska, and it has been bittersweet to say the least. So much good stuff has come out of their time in Hawai’i. From meeting each other, falling in love and getting married, to having two of the sweetest boys– Kona has become their home and the love they’ve had for this island runs deep.

It’s never easy letting our loved ones go, but we know it’s necessary in order for them to flourish and grow and become who they were ever created to be. In Hawaiʻi, we have a saying, “A Hui Hou.”  It can be used as the appropriate good-bye equivalent in the English language, but really it translates more correctly as, ʻUntil We Meet Again.’  And with that, we  ‘A Hui Hou’ this fam-bam and entrust them into the loving care of Ke Akua, and all the incredible things, plans, and promises that lay ahead in wonderful Alaska.


*A Hui Hou for now!

D.P.R.K.// North Korea A Place Filled With Boldness, Flavor, Favor, and Love

DPRK 16-17-1-2This past year made four years deep, of my travels within the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or better known by most of the world as North Korea. And just like it is said that wine gets better with time, so it too can be said of my days well spent in this mysterious land veiled by myths, missiles, and Beijing smog. Every year it just gets…well richer. It is just really that incredible, and I’m still scratching my head, did all this just go down xʻs 4? Yes, it did, and it does, and may it continue to do so. Why? Because, it’s where the treasures at.

Long live this land filled with kimchi, and Korean karaoke.

Long live the strong, beautiful, resilient people of this land.

Long live this land because they are not my enemy. No, they are not the ‘enemy.’

Somewhere along the 38th parallel that now divides Korea into North and South, a barrier was created, and for over sixty years has completely separated and severed families. Somewhere long time ago, belief systems grew into hatred, and hatred into a war, known as the Korean War, and technically this war has never ended. The divide has continued to increase, so much so that nuclear weapons, and ballistic missiles is a term known too well by every first-grader in Hawai’i, U.S., and countries surrounding.

I have shared four years, too many of my heart now with these people to take it back. There have been too many smiles and laughs passed between us, too many life moments- redefining moments in this country to simply take it all back. I can no longer remain oblivious, indifferent, and silent. Nor will I. Change is necessary, it’s coming one way or the other, we can’t stop it, and I don’t know exactly all the steps that need to be taken to bring it about in the best possible way for all. Yet, in my humble opinion and experience, I will say, that I believe that when we can take a step back to consider the other party, to acknowledge ka hā, the sacred breath of life that keeps our heart alive and beating, is the very same breath and air that runs through them also, that a bond, a value of mutual respect for our Creator and His created is established. A belief system is now set in place, a wave of compassion is released at the heart level, and the heart has eyes to see the deep things, the treasured things. And that treasure is people. Seeing this country, these people in perhaps the light of who they really are is progress, is a step forward.

I don’t claim to have all the answers, in fact the older I get, the less I feel like I know, but, I do claim that every image on this blog of North Korea, taken by myself and fellow photographer, Tom Bauer over the past two years are in no way photoshopped, altered, or set up, in order to create some kind of faux or false reality. We couldn’t create these moments even if we tried. And with that, I dedicate these photos to the people of D.P.R.K. in the words of my wise friend, to the people that are “full of boldness, flavor, favor,” and last but not least, “Love.” Know that we love you.

~ ʻO ka hā o ke ola, Eia ka mole o ka ea aloha i ka a mau loa aku!

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Lil’ Miss Athena Kilikinaokalani

It’s a continual party time for Aaron, Hoku, and lil Miss Athena Kilikinaokalani this month as they get ready to celebrate not just another New Year’s Eve celebration upon them, but also the completion of Athena’s first year of life in a couple days from now.  Athena entered the world a year ago, and already has brought so much joy, love, and laughter in such a relatively short time frame, that it has been hard for ʻohana and friends to imagine life without her. What a radiant gift from the heavens she is, and may she continue to blossom in grace and in beauty for all her days.

Hauʻoli lā hānau, We Love You Athena! *

Grayson’s Phase 1 Game Faces



Somebody just recently made his first, one year anniversary of life!  And to celebrate Phase 1 of many more to come, I thought I’d share some of Grayson’s signature ‘faces’ that just seem to keep growing with his size.  I literally crack up every time I see these photos, what joy amidst dirty diapers and sleep-ness nights this little guy brings to his parents, to make it all worth doing it over again if they had to.  Happy 1st Birthday Grayson- you are a gift to the world around you, what great big things you will do, and we are all so enjoying  watching you grow– but slow down will you!


Camp Lōkahi



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Camp Lōkahi: Why do we do it? Forget the “I don’t get paid enough to do it” line, you don’t get paid period, and you take time off of work to be there. Sleep deprivation is unavoidable, you’re always “on” trying to hide your tired face, in your quest to prove that you’re not too old yet with your I’ve-still-got-it game face, that you can only keep up with because your loaded with caffeine and sugar, lots of it (yes there went my three month long detox in three short days laden of ice-cream, cookies, and home-made goodness that I just couldn’t resist- Mahalo Aunties). You work non-stop around the clock, leave looking like a hot mess, if you have my luck, you probably caught a cold and have to work a twenty hour shift the next day, and yet, ironically enough, camp is something we all get amped on– every year… #WhatABunchOfSuckers

So when the invite comes round yet again to cruise at one of your most favorite places on earth for three days, while giving back to the community with the most incredible camp and inspiring crew to work alongside with, while teaching photography to teenage girls and fusing it together with their self worth, purpose, beauty and value that comes from their creator, and throw in an impromptu haku lei making and sunrise sesh’s to go with… I’d say, sleep or no sleep, you’re in for the win.

And that’s why we do what we do. Because we see the future before us when we look at our youth and we will sacrifice to see them shaped to become who they were ever created and destined to be. Fulfillment at its finest, and fuel for the soul.  
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