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Chris & Ginger |


There’s no better way to renew your vows than with your loved ones, at sunset, on the beach in Hawai’i—especially when you hail from the midwest.  Chris and Ginger have been sweet hearts since high school and decided to celebrate and re-dedicate their love for each other with their son, and parents while on vacation here in Hawai’i.  I had the honor of photographing the redemption of what could have been a disastrous nightmare when Chris and Ginger’s phone gave them the wrong beach location to give to the minister and I as we ended up at a beach in South Kona which was an hour away from the beach they were waiting at—AT SUNSET time.  I prayed so hard the whole way there that why should I be one bit surprised that God heard and answered prayers so wonderfully– as it turned out to be the most spectacular evening with the Kona sunset serenading us all while enveloping this couple as a sign of the heavens agreeing with their love- it was as if they were right where they were supposed to be after all that!   Mahalo Chris & Ginger for staying cool and calm through the chaos- you kept the chill factor the whole way through!  May the Lord continue to bless your marriage and ‘ohana in wonderful ways.

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