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K A M S A H A M N I D A // North Korea


NK Blog-71


I consider myself blessed to have had the opportunity to return for the second time to The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, also known by most of the world as, North Korea. My first trip in summer of 2014 was a rare chance to document what surfers would classify as the last frontier for surfing. We had the privilege to introduce and share our love for the sport of surfing, with a goal that we wouldn’t go there to satisfy our own personal stoke and “bragging rights bucket list”, but rather, give back such a wonderful gift that we’ve been given, and to hopefully ignite an interest for such an incredible sport. On this most recent trip, we also had the pleasure of introducing, skateboarding and skim boarding. Growing up in Hawai’i, it’s hard to imagine one never seeing or hearing of what we consider such normalities, yet, all the more excitement there was to be had.

With so many people intrigued by my goings and comings to the D.P.R.K., and with so many questions and wanting’s to know “what was it like?” the only plan I had was to partner with my camera in sharing whatever I found that was worth sharing. Perhaps, then, I could give a more insightful answer than just spoken words to the discoveries and experiences our team partook in.  Here’s what we became a part of, and here lies what we found.

This is only a paragraph of the ongoing story that is yet to be finished, for there is always  m o r e  😉





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