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Team Takiue


Photographing the Takiue family is always a party waiting to happen, and it gets better and faster as the boys, Cole & Asher get bigger.  It was a classic moment as they arrived- the two boys all fresh from their naps ready for some action, and all three shirtless.  Erin is organized (as usual)…you’d think she was running a production the way she gets these boys going (how does she do it!?).  And so the game starts, and Cole and Asher are the stars, and this camera could hardly keep up with them as we play.  Team Takiue plays till sundown, and if Cole had his way, we’d still be playing, as he requests me to “bring the tractor to my house next time” — I could probably do just a separate blog on this kid as he is 100% Photogenic with 10,000% Personality.  I can only imagine what Asher’s gonna be like next year with a big brother like Cole breaking him in.  I might just forget still photography next year and go video all the way.  Jeff & Erin you are training these two stars well!  Team Takiue- I’m routing for you!

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